Replacing Touching - Using Voice Recognition


This ADE will provide you with a quick introduction to using a voice recognition program while navigating a user interface and dictating text.

In this ADE your goal will be to use a voice recognition program (i.e., software that converts speech to text) to navigate web pages and dictate some text.

At the end of this ADE, you will have experienced some of the difficulties of navigating websites and dictating text with a voice recognition program. You will be able to discuss the impact of using speech as a primary modality in navigation and dictation tasks.

Note: This ADE requires the use of Microsoft Windows 10 or later.

What to Do:

  1. To begin, please view the video "Web Accessibility Perspectives: Voice Recognition"

  2. Try the IBM Watson Speech to Text Demo

  3. Setup in Windows

    1. If you are using Windows 10 
      1. please view the video "Windows 10 Speech Recognition 10 minute Tutorial"
      2. Follow the instructions for Windows 10 voice recognition
    2. If you are using Windows 11
      1. please view the video "Voice Typing v Windows Speech Recognition in Windows 11 Quick 9 Min Tutorial"
      2. Follow the instructions for Windows 11 voice recognition

  4. Dictation

    1. To do the following you might need to refer to Windows Speech Recognition Commands

    2. Tell the system to open Notepad.

    3. Describe the Notepad application. (what it looks like, the menus, the features, whether or not you like it, etc.)

    4. Dictate the following words and phrases, starting a new line after each set of words or phrases.
      • The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

      • Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
        Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
        If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
        where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

      • Bear, bare.

      • Chile, chili, chilly.

      • A flea and a fly flew up in a flue.
        Said the flea, "Let us fly!"
        Said the fly, "Let us flee!"
        So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

      • Oh, Owe

  5. Navigation / Commanding

    1. Open Microsoft Edge.

    2. Locate the answers to the following questions.
      1. What is the population of Marondera, Zimbabwe?

      2. Who is Dr. Seuss?

      3. What is the significance of the Olympic rings?

      4. Where was Amelia Earhart's last known location?

What to Hand-in:

Submit a written report that answers the following questions:

  1. Adaptation Training:

    1. How many times did you go through the training?
    2. Do you think the system would perform more accurately if you had done more training?

  2. Dictation:

    1. How accurate was the system in dictating speech?
    2. How many times did you have to correct the dictation?
    3. At any point in time, did the voice recognition program confuse dictation with commands? If so, which commands?

  3. Navigation / Commanding:

    1. Describe you experience in navigating the web browser.
    2. Were the commands easy to remember or did you need to refer to the reference card?

  4. General:

    1. Compared with the keyboard and mouse, do you feel that speech recognition is a good/fast method of input? Why or why not?
    2. Give three (3) different situations where you feel speech recognition programs would be useful.
    3. Describe your experience with this ADE (what worked, what did not work, where you had some trouble, where you had lots of trouble, etc.).