CMPT 355

Assignment Approvals for Starting Your Project

All students must have achieved approvals prior to November 16. Student who fail to do so may be removed from their project teams by the instructor and/or may have a mark of 0 assigned to them individually for their project. Students must participate successfully in a project team in order to achieve a project mark.

Most students will receive this approval as part of the marking comments on their Assignment#3. They should still make any necessary fixes but do not have to submit them for re approval.

Some students will be notified that their assignment is not approved and that they must take further steps to get it approved.

Getting approval for students who submitted an Assignment#3

Students who submitted an Assignment#3 but who did not get approval must make the needed improvement to the data structure and data in their database and submit the following to the marker e-mail to obtain approval prior to November 16:
  1. Summary of problems
    1. the dbVisualizer diagram from the end of the Assignment#3 that they handed in for marking
    2. a brief, point-form list of the major problems that the Assignment#3 had that require being fixed
  2. Summary of improvements
    1. the dbVisulalizer diagram from the improved version of their database
    2. a brief, point form discussion of the main steps taken to fix the database structure
    3. a brief, point form discussion of the main steps taken to fix the data within this new structure

Getting approval for students who did not submit an Assignment#3

Students who did not submit an Assignment#3 must do so, by e-mail to the marker, and receive approval prior to November 16. If you did not submit an Assignment#3, you should do so early in time to get feedback from the marker and, if necessary, make corrections and submit them for approval - the same as students who submitted an Assignment#3).