CMPT 355

Assignment # 2

Assignment # 2 is due 11:00 am Wednesday. Oct. 19

NOTE: This assignment is subject to change up to the end of class on Weds. Oct. 5.

Topic: maintain and evolve your museum database.


You are to do the following using text files of SQL commands, dbvisualizer, and the PostgresSQL database provided to you on the Department PostgresSQL server. You may initially test out your work on any machine equipped with PostgresSQL that is available to you.

Be sure that your work is done according to this structure and that portions of your report are clearly labeled.

NOTE: This assignment requires a lot more thinking than database work and the marking reflects this by placing a greater emphasis on a report describing each section, than on the actual db work. However, there are enough marks for the db work to make doing it worthwhile. Also please remember that the quality of your assignment #3 which will be built upon this assignment is the basis for the team you are in on the class project.
NOTE: Your reports for all sections (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3) should be in a single, well organized document named C355A2r.doc and should include copies of the entity-relationship diagrams produced by db-visualizer as an introduction to each section where changes were made to the database structure (e.g. 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c).
NOTE: There are part marks for each part of this assignment. It is important that you attempt all parts even if you have difficulties in doing some of the requirements of a given part.

1. Create new exhibits to replace your current set of exhibits using a text file named C355A21.txt

1.a ensure you have a good database to start with (5 marks for db work and 5 marks for report)

1.b new exhibitions (5 marks for db work and 5 marks for report)

2. Evolve the database in the following order:

2.a. expanded works (5 marks for database work and 10 marks for report) using a text file named C355A22a.txt

2.b expanded facilities (5 marks for database work and 10 marks for report) using a text file named C355A22b.txt (and any other text files that you wish to use with it that should be named C355A22b-1.txt to C355A22b-n.txt)

2.c more detailed information on items (10 marks for database work and 25 marks for report) using a text file named C355A22c.txt (and any other text files that you wish to use with it that should be named C355A22c-1.txt to C355A22c-n.txt)

3. Verify the database (5 marks for database work and 10 marks for report) using a text file named C355A23.txt 

NOTE: Remember that you will not be able to start over in Assignment #3. You will have to use sql to make any necessary fixes to your database before starting Assignment #3. Thus this verification is important in getting you ready for Assignment #3.

4. Create a report in a Word document named C355A2r.doc that explains:

Be sure to ask any questions you need to clarify this assignment, well before it is due.

Hand In:


5% of the year's grade, distributed as follows:

   % of assignment mark
 1. Create New Exhibits
     1a - database changes (if needed)
     1a - report
     1b - new exhibitions
     1 b - report
 2. Evolve the Database
     2a - expanded works
     2a - report
     2b - expanded facilities
     2b - report
     2c - additional attribute(s)
     2c - report
3. Queries to Validate
     1a - database changes (if needed)
     1a - report
     1b - new exhibitions
     1 b - report
     2a - expanded works
     2a - report
     2b - expanded facilities
     2b - report
     2c - additional attribute(s)
     2c - report