CMPT 355

Assignment # 1

This is now the formal version of this assignment.

Assignment # 1 is due 11:00 am Weds. Oct. 5

NOTE: It is best that you start obtaining the data you require for this assignment as soon as possible. It must be obtained from a museum Web site that has been approved by the instructor for your individual use. You may find that the museum Site you have chosen does not provide all the attributes of data that you need to populate your database.

Topic: Create, populate, and query an initial museum database.

Data Profiles:

The following requirements are important for (more requirements will be made known in future assignments):



Currently your museum is rather small. It consists of an entrance lobby, three galleries and a storage facility. Each location has:



You are to do the following using text files of SQL commands, dbvisualizer, and the PostgresSQL database provided to you on the Department PostgresSql server. You may initially test out your work on any machine equipped with PostgresSQL that is available to you.

1. Create a database using a text file named C355A11.txt

2. Populate the database using a text file named C355A12.txt (and any other text files that you wish to use with it that should be named C355A12-1.txt to C355A12-n.txt) in the following order:

3. Query the database using a text file named C355A13.txt in the following order:

4. Create a report in a Word document named C355A1r.doc that

Be sure to ask any questions you need to clarify this assignment, well before it is due.

Hand In:


The marks for this assignment are distributed as follows:

   % of assignment mark
 1. Create Database  30
 2. Populate Database  30
 3. Query Database  20
 4. Report  20
