Assisting Touching - Using Single Switch Input


This ADE simulates using single switch input devices while completing tasks. Single switch input requires the most minimal of physical capabilities and may be the means of communication available to persons with extremely severe physical disabilities. Single switch input devices include: physical switches that can be activated by any available body part, sip and puff straw switches, and eye-tracking devices. For this ADE, we are using a more readily available device, which is not necessarily aas accessible as some more specialized single switches.

A commercial product by Madentec, called DiscoverPro (on Windows), or DiscoverEnvoy (on a Mac), will be used for this purpose.

DiscoverPro and Envoy are a customizable onscreen keyboard that is capable of supporting users to access many software applications. It supports mouse and keyboard functions as well as the ability to launch applications. It is a full single switch experience.

What to Do:

  1. To begin, please view the video "DiscoverPro Overview Video". It is useful to watch video in its entirety but this ADE will focus on the following sections.

    1. Choose User (1:52 - 3:00)
    2. Try Discover Out (3:57 - 6:27)
    3. Discover Preferences (6:27 - 7:40)
    4. Editing Setups (9:25 - 13:59)
    5. Tip: Stop Scanning keys (16:09 - 16:47)
    6. Smart Markers (18:35 - 24:33)
    7. Summary (36:37 - end)

  2. Download and install DiscoverPro (on Windows) or DiscoverEnvoy (on a Mac).

  3. Before using Discover,explore some of the features from the Discover Tutorial

    1. Basic conventions and terminology (Tutorial 1)

    2. Basic editing of commands  (Tutorial 4)

  4. Typing
    Typing using a single switch is not the same as using a keyboard or mouse. Give it a try.

    To get the full experience, please refrain from using the physical mouse or keyboard unless otherwise instructed (in this part of the ADE).

    1. Open Microsoft Word. If you wish to use a text editor (like TextWrangler) instead, you will have to associate a menu for that application in Envoy.

    2. Write your name and mailing address.

    3. Write a list of the objects around you.

  5. Navigation
  6. Try navigating between different applications using the single switch system.

    To get the full experience, please refrain from using the physical mouse or keyboard unless otherwise instructed (in this part of the ADE).

    1. Use the calculator application to calculate 5432 divided by 23.

    2. Use the calendar and determine which day of the week is July 24th.

    3. Using Safari, find out how much 3.99 USD is in Euros.

  7. Creating Smart Markers
    Create smart markers according to Tutorial  7 .

What to Hand-in:

Submit a written report that answers the following questions:

Note: You do not have to use Discover to create this report.

  1. Describe your experience with the single switch system. 
    1. Describe your experience inputting text .
    2. Describe your experience navigating .
    3. Describe your experience creating smart markers.

  2. Compare Discover with the Windows on-screen keyboard.

  3. In what situations do you think a single switch system would be useful or beneficial to the user?

  4. What issues can a person run into while using a single switch system? What improvements can you think of to resolve these issues?

  5. Feedback
    1. What were your expectations of this ADE?
    2. Did this ADE meet your expectations? Provide a rating between 1 and 7, where 1 means not at all, 4 means somewhat, and 7 means absolutely. Please explain your choice.
    3. Did you feel that the video(s) for this ADE was appropriate? Why or why not? Provide a rating between 1 and 7, where 1 means not at all, 4 means somewhat, and 7 means absolutely. Please explain your choice.
    4. Do you have any suggestions for other possible videos?
    5. Did you feel that the questions above got you to think about the real and serious issues regarding this ADE? Provide a rating between 1 and 7, where 1 means not at all, 4 means somewhat, and 7 means absolutely. Please explain your choice.
    6. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this ADE, please include it here.